This is how the most important week in human history began: a man riding into a city on a donkey. But not just any man. It was the God-Man, Jesus Christ. His whole ministry—in fact, His whole life on earth—has been leading to this week. A week that will begin and end with triumph, but not without tragedy in the middle.
The first day of this monumental week is Palm Sunday, which marks the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as described in Matthew 21:1-11. And from this passage, we see prophecy fulfilled and worship proclaimed. Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey is the fulfillment of the prophecy made in Zechariah 9:9 which states that Israel’s King will come to them riding on a donkey. Jesus is the long awaited King and Messiah that Zechariah prophesied would one day come to His people. Jesus’s triumphal entry marks the return of the King, and the people shower Him with praise and worship. The crowds shout “Hosanna!” which means, “Save us, please!” They were shouting words of praise to the King whom they hoped would save them from the political oppression of the Romans.
This is how Jesus is received as He rides into Jerusalem. The excitement of the crowd spills forth into praise of Jesus, the Son of David. But over the next week, we will see that for many in that crowd, Jesus did not meet their expectations for the long awaited King and Messiah. And their adoration will turn into anger, and their worship into wrath.
Have you received Jesus as your King? If yes, how can you worship Him as your King in your everyday life? And if not, what obstacles are preventing you from trusting in Christ?